Beethoven Kyrie - Lockdown Virtual Choir

  • General Song Details
  • Status: Active
    Song Category: General Repertoire
    Part of public repertoire? Yes
    Introduction: In 2021, the Reading Bach Virtual Choir recorded a lockdown performance of the Kyrie based on the adagio of Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata which you can listen to below.

    The composer and music director Gottlob Benedict Bierey (1772–1840) orchestrated the first movement of the famous "Moonlight Sonata" by Beethoven (transposed to C minor) and added a four-part choral movement which he underlaid with the text of the Kyrie from the Latin mass.

    Particular thanks to our previous Music Director and technical wizard David Young for stitching the individual voice recordings together, our Assistant MD Nick Shaw for laying down the excellent piano accompaniment and to Mike and Daphne Rowbottom for adding the beautiful images.


There is 1 file/resource available for this song.

  • Public demos
  • Virtual choir